Club Penguin Atake Help Center

Why do the videos not load? (TV)

The videos on our service may not load because of the following things:

  1. Your internet connection is slow or unstable.
  2. Your browser is too old and/or doesn't support the technology that we use, or your browser is not supported by our service.
  3. One or more of your browser's, computer's or extension's configurations blocks access to our servers.
  4. Our servers are down.

The fixes depend on the cause of the issue.

If your network is slow/unstable, try waiting a little or restarting your access point / modem.

If your browser is outdated, please update your browser. We recommend Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.

If one of your browser's, computer's or extension's configurations blocks access to our servers, please consult your network administrator or if you're authorised to, please check the configurations.

If our servers are down, please check our Status Page to see if there's any information on the downtime, then report that you cannot access the TV to our Discord server.

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[email protected]

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